The Overview

Upon appointment to regional insurance company WFI, Gatecrasher was asked to review all existing research documentation and initiate a brand and platform planning process. The purpose was to develop a brand positioning which would align the organisation’s brand internally and externally, across very a diverse range of services and market segments. The company had a strong genuine commitment to personalised service delivery which the agency identified as a major marketing opportunity.

The Work

People living in rural locations highly value good ‘neighbourly’ relationships with others in their local vicinity. A ‘good person to know’ in the country is somebody who you can rely on for support and loyalty (to borrow a cup of sugar or the bobcat). Our campaign capitalises on this insight and uses it to reinforce and add more meaning to WFI’s one-to-one approach to customer relations. The internal buy-in to the ‘Good people to know’ positioning and communications strategy has been very strong. WFI as a business has embraced the sentiment of the positioning and continues to use it many years later.



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