The Overview

St John Ambulance WA delivers the State's ambulance service throughout metropolitan and regional WA, and is the leading provider of first aid training. St John has a number of corporate communications objectives, and appointed Gatecrasher lead creative and strategic agency in August this year after working as part of a panel of agencies over the past 12 months.

The WA population is growing and ageing. To meet its commitment to the medical and social demands of the community, the Community Services Directorate was established in 2016 to support the objective of 20,000 volunteers by 2020.

The 2020 initiative aims to build a stronger experience for St John volunteers; create a broader range of volunteering opportunities; and build a deeper connection between the wider WA community and the organisation.



Volunteers in country WA already have a job – the local mechanic, schoolteacher, farmer. This is an opportunity to go beyond the bounds of their everyday career and do something more for the community as well.

The theme of ‘playing a bigger part’ works in two ways. The first is around a greater level of involvement in your community, providing life saving skills to those around you. The second is about the personal and professional development volunteers achieve through the significant initial and ongoing training they receive. It’s also a great creative platform to express visually.


The Results

“Gatecrasher has led on a fresh new volunteer recruitment campaign for us this year, called “Play a Bigger Part”. The campaign is strong both strategically and creatively, with the visuals successfully communicating our key message of how St John volunteers ‘play a bigger part’ in the community. A multi-channel approach has also helped us to effectively reach our target audience and encourage up-take of volunteer opportunities. We look forward to continuing our work with Gatecrasher in the volunteer recruitment space.”

Mel Gregory
Marketing Manager
St John Ambulance WA

The Work

Creative Ad




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