The Overview

Cancer Council WA is a leading, independent cancer organisation that has partnered with Gatecrasher for fourteen years. The charity relies on fundraising activity and traditional sources of funding for revenue, but this revenue is in decline, and with the charity category becoming increasingly cluttered with new entrants and events arriving into market, fundraising is also proving highly competitive.

In 2016, CCWA decided to launch a charitable lottery as part of their fundraising strategy. The model has been used extensively in Australia, particularly by some of the other large charitable organisations in WA, and has proven to be a highly successful venture for these.

Gatecrasher was appointed to work hand-in-hand with CCWA to ensure a profitable launch of the lottery, across both above-the-line, and digital platforms. It would run over a four-month period, but would be followed by additional lotteries and expansion nationally if the initiative proved successful.



  • Drive ticket sales
  • Increase brand awareness



As a charity initiative, the risk mitigation for CCWA Lottery was critical.

As part of the scoping for the campaign, Gatecrasher reviewed numerous existing lotteries in market for a ‘best-practice’ approach to lottery promotion. We had also partnered with Crown Perth for many years, so had a deep internal understanding of predisposed ‘gamers’ as an audience and how to engage them.

Our research and knowledge outlined that digital activation would be central to the approach.



A multi-channel marketing approach was vital to maintaining a front-of-mind position with potential ticket buyers. Therefore, the campaign would be planned across a multitude of digital channels, including social media, Google Display Network, and Google AdWords, among others. Digital scheduling should also be integrated tightly with above-the-line media, such as the broadcasting of TVCs and spots in television segments.



  • Search engine marketing ROI – 5124%
  • Facebook ROI – 1634%
  • Instagram ROI – 9501%
  • Total ROI – 2094%

The Work




Google Display Network

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